Big 4's
Well our family has had a few big 4's this year. Firstly, Sierra turned 4. Her actual birthdate was relatively uneventful but we plan to have a big party on one of the few free Saturdays coming up. Secondly, I turned 40--aaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!! I really don't know what that means, but I have been feeling a bit older these days. Thirdly, the girls have had 4 nasty gashes between the 2 of them. Both got a dog bite each, which required medical attention and both hit something sharp enough to cut open their foreheads, which required medical attention. And fourthly, (boy wouldn't it be great if there was a fourth thing).
Anyway, Here are a few recent pics of the Fabulous 4. Happy to be associated with them.
McKinley is still experiencing the terrible 2's and now that she is 2, it is reaching it's climax (and we hope it will tapper off soon).

Evyt is heartily whipping the pants off everyone in Math, seems he has a way with numbers. Only obstacle in Evyt's life is his love of day-dreaming. I would love to help him channel all that creativity, it could financially benefit me (boy is that selfish). He really is a great kid.
Anyway, that's all I have time for today.