Happy July 2007

Evyt is really enjoying being done with school and lazying around for the summer. He will be going into 2nd grade in August. He was honor roll, straight-A, and had no absences. He's a chip right off Terreah's block.
Chaz is really enjoying having Evyt around soo much. He can focus on destroying alot more with Evyt's help. Chaz liked pre-school and is curious about going into Kindergarten in August. He is head-strong (luckily) yet tender-hearted.
Sierra loves to scream, chase Evyt and Chaz, scream, chase Evyt and Chaz, scream because Chaz looked at her, scream and sing. She has an amazing capacity to remember, recite, recall, and scream. She is a cute little girl whom is a bright star that can scream. We'll probably put her in Pre-School next year.
McKinley is lucky to be such a cute little bubbie. She is clingy, fussy, whiney, moany, sometimes stinky, but very cute. She loves her Mum and tolerates her Dad.
Anyway, I thank the Lord for blessing us with healthy kids and I look forward to more good times with these little people.